IPF Powerlifting Competition Bar 20 kg
Certified for competition by the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) and designed for professional and competitive powerlifting athletes, the Eleiko IPF Powerlifting Competition Bar is specifically suited for the three powerlifting competition lifts - the squat, bench press and deadlift. The bar features robust bronze bushings and with a special graphite addition that allows the bar to self-lubricate enhancing performance and longevity while controlling rotation. Our proprietary Swedish steel is engineered to withstand loads up to 1500 kg, the 29 mm diameter is stiff and strong with deep, sharp and uncoated knurling ensuring a strong grip for heavy lifts.
Weight 20kg Length 86.61in Diameter 29 Knurling 1.5 Agg Finish Raw Sleeve 433mm Bearings Bushings Max 1500kg Warranty Lifetime Download